The Heidelberg Epigraphic Database was founded as a long-term project with funds from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize awarded to Géza Alföldy by the DFG and began its work on July 1, 1986. Since then many changes and additions have been made, and new national and international cooperations started. Scroll down this timeline to find out more about the history of the project.
Closing year (phase-out funding) of EDH's funding by the Programme of the Academies of the Bund-Länder Commission
November 2021
- Transfer of the EDH photo library (prints, slides, negatives) to the University Archive of Heidelberg University - Export of the EDH photo library's digitized files to HeidIcon
Transfer of the EDH inscription index (ca. 18 running meters) of the inscriptions of the Regiones Italiae to Rome ( EDR, University of Rome La Sapienza
Presentation: "Digital epigraphy" at 'Institut für Altertumswissenschaften der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz' (F. Feraudi-Gruénais / F. Grieshaber)
November 2016
Participation at Workshop of the 'AG eHumanities' organized by the 'Koordinierungsstelle Digital Humanities der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Düsseldorf', with presentation of Digital Epigraphy am Scheideweg? / Digital Epigraphy at a crossroads? (F. Feraudi-Gruénais / F. Grieshaber)
Start of the three year project europeana-EAGLE financed by the EU. EDH is responsible for coordination of WP2 "Networking and best practices" (content harmonization, GIS, terminologies)
August 2012
XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae (Berlin 2012)
June 2012
Complete Relaunch of EDH website EDH including all search masks of all constituent databases. The geographic database starts work which holds all information about exact find spots of inscriptions.
Cooperation with "Die lateinischen Inschriften von Albanien/Epirus" at the 'Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik' at the 'Deutsche Archäologisches Instituts München'.
January 2011
Epidoc/SoSOL training workshop (lead by Dr. James Cowey and Dr. Francisca Feraudi-Gruénais) at the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Conversion and import of XML/Epidoc-data of the "Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania" IRT2009 into database schema of EDH.
The EDH Photographic database goes online with some 16.000 records (digital images and metadata).
Search mask
Result page
Detail view of image
since April 2007
Cooperation with project 'Supplementum zu CIL XIII' at Historisches Seminar / Alte Geschichte der Universität Osnabrück (2010/11: "CIL XIII - Erstellung eines Supplementbandes zum Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL XIII, 2) für den Bereich Limes und Limesvorland" Fachbereich III / Alte Geschichte der Universität Trier).
Reciprocallinking of images of the project UBI ERAT LUPA with corresponding inscription records of EDH. Agreement about the distribution of work on the Hispanic provinces: apart from the inscriptions of Tarraco and the conventus Tarraconensis (CIL II2 pars 14) as well as the conventus Astigitanus and Cordubensis (partes 5 and 7) the online presence of the inscriptions of Spain will be guaranteed by the database project Hispania Epigraphica online (HEpOnl).
since February 2006
External contributions made by a member of the research group LITTERA of the Departament de Filologia Llatina of the University of Barcelona.
since January 2006
Reciprocal linking of the photographs of the U.S. Epigraphy Project with the corresponding texts of the inscriptions of the EDH.
since July 2005
Linking of the photographs of the inscriptions housed in the Palatine Museum Heidelberg (KMH) to the presentation of the texts of the inscriptions in the EDH. External contributions made by a member of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Ljubljana.
since March 2005
Linking of the PIR-references in the literature field of the EDH to the Internet sites of the Prosopographia Imperii Romani (PIR, Research project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences).
January 2005
Workshop Names: Lexica, Prosopographies and Corpora in Oxford. Presentation of the EDH, with particular emphasis on the combined search possibilities in relation to personal names.
November 2004
The Epigraphic Bibliography (EBH), a subsidiary database of the EDH, goes online. Search
In accordance with the agreements concerning international cooperation ( EAGLE) with the Epigraphic Database Rome (EDR) EDH transferred the reponsibility for 11.851 inscriptions of Italic provenance as a basis for further completion and being kept up to date. These inscriptions, however, remain to be found in EDH erhalten, from where there is a Link to the version, which may well be more up to date, in EDR.
since January 2004
Greek inscriptions of Roman Imperial Age entered for the first time. Entry of the inscriptions of the province Bithynia and Pontus with the use of records very kindly made available by Prof. Christian Marek, of the Historisches Seminar of the University of Zürich.
November 2003
Convegno Internazionale per la presentazione del progetto EAGLE in Aquileia / Triest (report): Decision reached to create an international Epigraphic Database Confederation EAGLE (Electronic Archives of Greek and Latin Epigraphy) based on the model of the EDH.
All three databases belonging to the EDH transferred to DB2. From this point onwards the entry of data has been possible on both a local and world wide basis, allowing for external cooperations.
September 2002
XII Congreso Internacional de Epigrafia Griega e Latina (Barcelona 2002): presentation of the complete version the database of the EDH in the context of the opening lecture by G. Alföldy.
Since 2002
Presentation of all inscriptions entered up to this point (ca. 33.000) together with all supplementary information concerning the monuments and the content of the Latin texts (see Searching):
Photos of the Archives of the Spanish External Branch of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum at the University of Alcalá; linked to their accompanying inscription texts in EDH
EDH is included in the Millennium Guide to Cultural Resources on the Web of the World Culture Report 2000, published by UNESCO.
since September 1999
A part of the Photographic Database goes online with photographic material which accompanies those Imperial Inscriptions of Rome, which have been entered in EDH.
since 1999
Under the aegis of the Commissione epigrafia e informatica of the Association Internationale d'Épigraphie Grecque et Latine (AIEGL), of which the Director of the Research Project is a member, work on international coordination of the project to create a much larger Epigraphic Database with the aim of making as many Latin and Greek Inscriptions of the Ancient World accessible in the World Wide Web according to standardised criteria.
25. September 1997
First public presentation of the EDH at the workshop Alte Geschichte und EDV in Rome (organised by the Austrian Institute of Culture in Rome); see A. Dafferner -- F. Feraudi-Gruénais -- H. Niquet, Die Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg, in: M. Hainzmann -- Chr. Schäfer (Hrsg.), Alte Geschichte und Neue Medien. Zum EDV-Einsatz in der Altertumsforschung,Computer und Antike 5 (St. Katharinen 2000) 45-65.
September 1997
The Epigraphic Text Database, of the EDH, goes online comprising all of the inscriptions which had been entered up to that point (just short of 30.000) and some of the supplementary information provided for each inscription (ancient province / Italic region, ancient / modern find spot name, specific find spot, literature, indication of state of progress); regular six month updates. With the help of a search engine combined searchs are possible. The EDH landing page allows for choosing the language (English or German): The simple Search groups metadata fields according to criteria like HD-Nr., geography, literature and transcription): Search results are presented likewise:
Admission to Programme of the Academies of the Bund-Länder Commission under the title "Epigrapische Datenbank römischer Inschriften".
Establishment of the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg (EDH) funded by prize money from the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Preis (DFG) by Prof. Géza Alföldy as a long-term, interdisciplinary project for the registration and recording of Ancient Latin Inscriptions in an extensive database.
Entry method for the text database in 1986 Alongside this the establishment of the Epigraphic Bibliography and a Photographic Archive. Data and information stored since the beginning of the project in the constituent databases Bibliographic Database and Photographic Database (see also EDH 30 years later).
The Project was established in cooperation with Dr. Wolfgang Slaby (University of Eichstätt) and also profitted from previous cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dr. Manfred Clauss (University Frankfurt a.M.).
Since the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences took over the project the following people have worked on the EDH:
Research Associates:
Andreas Dafferner (1993-2010, IT), PD Dr. Andrea Scheithauer (1993-1998), Dr. Manfred G. Schmidt (1993-1995), Dr. Heike Niquet (1995-1997), Dr. Francisca Feraudi-Gruénais (1997-2021), Dr. Brigitte Gräf (1998-2021), Dr. Marta García Morcillo (2005/2006), Dr. James Cowey (2004-2005, 2008-2020), Dr. Frank Grieshaber (2010-2021), Regine Klar (2012-2020), Jonas Osnabrügge M.A. (2016-2020).
Student and Graduate Assistants:
Raffaela Cengia (1993), Oliver Hoffmann (1993), Estrella Velasco Servert (1993/1994), Wolfgang Strysio (1993-1996), Francisca Feraudi-Gruénais (1993-1997), Andrea Steinebrey (1993-1997), Cordelia Eule (1993-1998), Brigitte Ruck (1995-1998), Daniela Quade (1996-2000), Dagmar Hofmann (1996-2001), Stefano Conti (1997), Rahsan Dogan (1998-2001), Angela Gärtner (1998/1999), Eric Hummel (1998-2001), Verena Unmüßig (1998-2002), Michael Schmitt (1999), Sarah Hillebrand (2000-2003), Meike Morhart (2000-2003), Panagiotis Galanis (2001), Jürgen Gallinat (2001/2002), Henning Wirth (2001-2004), Verena Gander (2002-2004), Nicole Petzi (2002/2003), Antje König (2002-2005), Dagmar Schweinfurth (2003/2004), Burkhard Hildebrandt (2004), Sascha Beck (2004/2005), Benedikt von Imhoff (2004/2005), Nadine Grimmig (2004-2006), Victoria Clay (2005), Vera Bachthaler (2005-2009), Florian Helmer (2005-2008), Helena Kotarlić (2006/2007), Nina Valuta (2006/2007), Nadine Viermann (2006/2007), Eva Borchert (2007-2010), Daniel Kanzleiter (2007-2010), Jan Kaufhold (Heidelberg-Osnabrück, 2007/2008), Sebastian Platz (2007-2011), Bernadette Esch (Heidelberg-Osnabrück, 2008-2010), Elisabeth Neubert (2009-2014), Simone Pastor (2008/2009), Dominik Fröse (2009-2013), Otto Ritter (2010-2014), Ricarda Wagner (2010/2011), Felix Schulte (2011/2012), Shipe Smajlaj (2011), Katharina Oldenhage (2012-2014); Christopher Schubert (2013-2018); Josef Bäck (2014-2016 [europeana]); Denitsa Dzhigova (2014 [europeana]); Laura Sandmann (2014-2019); Niklas Bettermann (2015-2021); Jennifer Goetz (2015-2017); Sarah Deck (2018-2019); Berglind Hatje (2018-2019); Caroline Albert (2020); Natascha Beiermann (2020-2021).
Thomas Somló (Heidelberg; 08/2005), Raffaella Marchesini (Roma; 04-08/2007), Sarah Bond (Chapel Hill; 07-08/2007), Amanda Rampichini (Siena; 07-08/2012), Laura Löser (St Andrews; 08/2013), Christopher Schubert (Mannheim; 02/2015), Julia Ortseifen (Heidelberg; 03/2015), Aránzazu López Fernández (Madrid; 02-05/2016 [Erasmus+]); Giovanni Arena (Bologna; 04-07/2018 [Erasmus+]); Melissa Kleinhans (Karlsruhe; 07-08/2019).